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Causes & Initiatives

6 Projects Found

Kiambu Mental Health Support Platform – Establishing a Contact Center

  • Samwel Njoroge
  • 281 Days left

Commit to help establishing a Mental Health Contact Center in Kiambu

Kiambu Mental Health Support Platform – Establishing a Contact Center

Personal Info

Bank Payment Details

  1. Account Name: Wamuratha Foundation
  2. Bank Name: KCB Bank
  3. Account Number: 1318115167
  4. Bank Code: 01
  5. Branch Code: 01119

MPESA​ Paybill Number Follow the steps below to pay

  1. Select Pay Bill from M-Pesa menu
  2. Enter business no. 522533
  3. Enter Account No. 7676900
  4. Enter the amount to pay
  5. Enter PIN number
  6. Confirm payment details and submit payment

Donation Total: KSh 100.00

Dignity Restoration Packs: Empowerment in a Pack

  • Samwel Njoroge
  • 313 Days left

As a tangible representation of our commitment, we provide boys with Dignity Restoration Packs. Beyond their practical utility, these packs.

Dignity Restoration Packs: Empowerment in a Pack

Personal Info

Bank Payment Details

  1. Account Name: Wamuratha Foundation
  2. Bank Name: KCB Bank
  3. Account Number: 1318115167
  4. Bank Code: 01
  5. Branch Code: 01119

MPESA​ Paybill Number Follow the steps below to pay

  1. Select Pay Bill from M-Pesa menu
  2. Enter business no. 522533
  3. Enter Account No. 7676900
  4. Enter the amount to pay
  5. Enter PIN number
  6. Confirm payment details and submit payment

Donation Total: KSh 100.00

Education on Health Hazards and Training

  • Samwel Njoroge
  • 377 Days left

Through enlightening workshops and hands-on training, we're fostering a deeper understanding of the connections between our actions, the environment, and.

Education on Health Hazards and Training

Personal Info

Bank Payment Details

  1. Account Name: Wamuratha Foundation
  2. Bank Name: KCB Bank
  3. Account Number: 1318115167
  4. Bank Code: 01
  5. Branch Code: 01119

MPESA​ Paybill Number Follow the steps below to pay

  1. Select Pay Bill from M-Pesa menu
  2. Enter business no. 522533
  3. Enter Account No. 7676900
  4. Enter the amount to pay
  5. Enter PIN number
  6. Confirm payment details and submit payment

Donation Total: KSh 100.00

Community Health Promoters Training Initiative

  • Samwel Njoroge
  • 427 Days left

Support us in empowering Community Health Promoters to tackle matters mental health & combating ailments.

Community Health Promoters Training Initiative

Personal Info

Bank Payment Details

  1. Account Name: Wamuratha Foundation
  2. Bank Name: KCB Bank
  3. Account Number: 1318115167
  4. Bank Code: 01
  5. Branch Code: 01119

MPESA​ Paybill Number Follow the steps below to pay

  1. Select Pay Bill from M-Pesa menu
  2. Enter business no. 522533
  3. Enter Account No. 7676900
  4. Enter the amount to pay
  5. Enter PIN number
  6. Confirm payment details and submit payment

Donation Total: KSh 100.00

Restoration of a Rehabilitation Center

  • Samwel Njoroge
  • 433 Days left

We are restoring Rehabilitation Centers to ICT Hubs

Restoration of a Rehabilitation Center

Personal Info

Bank Payment Details

  1. Account Name: Wamuratha Foundation
  2. Bank Name: KCB Bank
  3. Account Number: 1318115167
  4. Bank Code: 01
  5. Branch Code: 01119

MPESA​ Paybill Number Follow the steps below to pay

  1. Select Pay Bill from M-Pesa menu
  2. Enter business no. 522533
  3. Enter Account No. 7676900
  4. Enter the amount to pay
  5. Enter PIN number
  6. Confirm payment details and submit payment

Donation Total: KSh 100.00

Revamping the Vocational Center Initiative [For Vocational Training]

  • Samwel Njoroge
  • 433 Days left

Stand with us revamp Vocational Centers with art of state facilities

Revamping the Vocational Center Initiative [For Vocational Training]


Custom Amount

Personal Info

Bank Payment Details

  1. Account Name: Wamuratha Foundation
  2. Bank Name: KCB Bank
  3. Account Number: 1318115167
  4. Bank Code: 01
  5. Branch Code: 01119

MPESA​ Paybill Number Follow the steps below to pay

  1. Select Pay Bill from M-Pesa menu
  2. Enter business no. 522533
  3. Enter Account No. 7676900
  4. Enter the amount to pay
  5. Enter PIN number
  6. Confirm payment details and submit payment

Donation Total: KSh 1,000.00